torsdag 9. juli 2020

Art Journaling, Goodbye.

This Art Journaling  have I made for More Than Words July challenge, Goodbye and monochromatic.

Jeg elsker en utfordring, og dette er virkelig en utfordring for meg.

I love to challange myself, and this is truely a challange for my.

Korona stensilen til aall and create passet perfekt til denne siden.
The corona stencil from all and create was perfectly suited to this art journaling.

Jeg har brukt disse blå fargene.
I've used these blue colors

Amsterdam  - Prussian Blue Phtalo - Ultramarine - Phthalo Blue - kings Blue . 
Jane Deavenport Light blue. 
Ocean teal gilding polish.
 Art Alchemy Patina Blue matte wax, 
Ranger Archival ink -  Colbalt - Manganese Blue.

Da er det bare å snurre film. Hvis du ser med mobilen din, må du skifte til nettverson, hvis du skal se filmen.
Then just watch the movie. If you're watching with your phone, you'll need to switch to web, if you're going to watch the movie.

If you want to take part in this challenge, you can find it here 

Have a beautiful day, hugs 💖

9 kommentarer:

  1. I love this! "Be fearlessly authentic" is such a great quote and I adore your blue shades. Thanks for joining us at More Than Words this month. :)

  2. So beautiful!1 I love your quote!
    Thank you so much for playing along with More Than Words

  3. Beautiful spread! I love the contrast between the two pages. Thanks for joining us at More Than Words Challenges!

  4. Lovely Jorunn, and a great quote to think on during your art journal process. Thanks for joining us at More Than Words - Elle xx

  5. Blue and brown is a great combination.
    Thanks for joining us at More Than Words Challenges.

  6. I love the quotes in the blue side! Really meaning! Thank you for joining us at MTW! xoxo Cecilia

  7. Nydelig!!! Elsker fargene du har valgt! ❤️

  8. I love your quote. This is a beautiful creation. Thank you for joining us at MTW this month

  9. wow this is very cool, thanks for joining with us at MTW good luck
